Sunday, August 5, 2012

German Laws/ Guess what!

German law states that Sunday is a family day. Any work whether it be mowing the law, washing the car, or vacuuming can throw you in prison. Also, you are not allowed to mow your lawn before 9 am, and there is quiet time from 1pm-3pm where you are, well, supposed to be quiet. Nice. They are also very strict on driving rules and if you can master the driving skills of a German you can drive anywhere.

We have so exciting news! We found an apartment!! Remember the one I told you about that was near a church, well after seeing some other houses we kept thinking to ourselves that we would hate it if someone else got that apartment and we were stuck with what we were seeing. So we called the Landlord and took some paperwork to him and it was ours! While filling out the paperwork he told us that another couple had come to look at the apartment that wanted it also, and he told them that who ever brought him the paper work first would get it. Let me tell you about this Landlord, he lives up the street where he built the house and it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. He works with the Red Cross and the fire dept. He was just so excited when we told him that we wanted it he was pretty much jumping for joy. He made us feel so comfortable! Pictures coming soon.

Make sure to thank your Father in Heaven for your blessings because He hears your prayers and he DOES answer them! Have a beautiful Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Katie! Sounds like you guys are having a good time there! That would be so much fun to live in a different country and have that experience! Have so much fun!! We miss and love you guys!!
