Thursday, October 2, 2014

When the pictures says 1000 words you are not saying.

So I was talking to my mother the other day about my blog as opposed to my sisters blog. (Check her out at She told me that I needed to add more pictures. And yes I am aware that pictures are more intriguing to look at, or at least glance at as you are scrolling down the web page. But I feel as though, at least today I feel, that when you just look at the picture you're not getting the entire story.

For example, if I were to post this picture, you would see a cute picture of me where I actually look put together, and posting it on social media I just hope I get a bunch of thumbs up. (I never did post this pic, if you were wondering.) Because when I thought about it I wasn't trying to reach out for the attention that I was lookin' cute this day. In fact, when I look at this picture I see so much more.
To me this picture says, "Look. Look how hard you have worked to lose 20 pounds. And girl you look good!" But you didn't see that because you didn't know. You didn't know the struggle I have been facing with my weight, and how it always seems to come down to the fact that I am "overweight" which is why I have so many health issues, and is also why you have been unsuccessful having a child. So when I look at this picture I see myself fighting as hard as I can to get everything I want. I see myself as 1 step closer to not wearing yoga pants everywhere because that is all that fits, when I now actually have 3 pairs of jeans that fit comfortably and one pair that is way too large. I see myself healthier and happier, and hopefully closer to growing our family.

This was not the original thought I had while I was originally writing this post. It was going to be totally light hearted and funny. But I guess I just needed to vent, or let everyone know I am kicking life in the butt! My life is crazy blessed, and I am showing that I am grateful for all I have by taking better care of those things I cherish. And one of those things is me!

I hope you are grateful for yourself too, because I know I am grateful for you!



  1. Keep going, Katie,

    You can do it! Even old guys can do it. Your grandpa has lost about 40 pounds since last November 1. So keep us posted on how you're doing.

    You look great
    At whatever weight
    But look even greater
    When you don't eat a potater.

  2. By the way, thanks for blogging! Some of us don't get all the cryptic references on Facebook. We love you, Katie, and like to know how you're doing!

    We'll miss you at Thanksgiving! John and his family, Mari and her family, and Grandpa and Grandma will all be at your folks house for Thanksgiving. Hope we can all Skype or something.

    Love, Grandpa (also known as Uncle Lindy...well, you have to give them a user name...

  3. Potaters are delicious! And I know your user name I have seen it on Mari's blog. ;)
