Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Me & Conference

Every 6 months my church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, aka Mormons, lds.org) holds a GIANT meeting, and by giant I mean 4 two hour long meetings 5 for the men, so that everyone can listen to the leaders of the church speak to us things that God would have us know. We call this General Conference.

Around this time, either the beginning of April or October, Mormons tend to be a little crazy. Doing stuff out of the norm. Which is what I found to be interesting!

What I am seeing, especially right now since this last weekend was conference, is that there is an exceeding amount of Mormon pride. Which is great and wonderful! But I guess what I am having a problem with is why is this an occurrence only every 6 months, or when a nearby temple is dedicated, or when an apostle is in the area. Why aren't we showing our "pride" everyday?

Let me be straight with you. I am NOT perfect! I know hard to believe. I hope you were sitting down. Sorry to break the new to you this way. But it is true. HOWEVER, I do STRIVE to be as Christ-like (perfect) as possible. It may not be easy, but what He asks is simple. Follow Him. Something that did stand out to me this conference was when Thomas S. Monson (President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) spoke about his encounter with a women when he was in Jerusalem. And how great she felt having potentially walked where Jesus walked. He told her,"That it is not so much important to walk where He walked, as to how He walked." I thought this was very powerful. For me, as much as it would be a cool experience to see where Jesus lived, that is not as important. I need to be living my life as Christ lived His. "Walk in His footsteps" so to speak.

I guess what I am saying is that showing the world how you live, and who you are, and who you want to become should not be a semi-annual thing. It should be something that is everyday through out the rest of your life!


Also if you want to know I think my favorite talk was given by Dallin H. Oaks. He spoke about being kind to everyone. I could definitely work on being kinder(? more kind).


Friday, October 3, 2014

French Braiding Your Own Hair

Okay so this is the post I was going to post last time, and then totally went off topic. So I will try to stick to the point this time around.

This last week I have been sick. Not sure with what. And it hasn't been anything serious. I caught this, let's call it a cold, from Cole. Which is totally weird because usually he gets sick from me, I always manage to catch anything and everything that is going around. This cold was hitting Cole a different way everyday. Day 1- Sudden sore throat. Day 2- Headache. Day 3- Sinus. Day 4- Coughing. And so on and so forth.

By the time Cole had reached day 4 we realized that I was not sick! And what a miracle it was! I was happy. I have lots to do now. I don't have time to be sick! But alas, later that night I procured a sudden, completely out of no where, sore throat. And so began the misery of this illness.

I think the thing that was worse about this illness was that I was all alone. Cole had started 12 hour night shifts, so anytime he was home he was asleep. I didn't want to do anything. I literally spent an entire day in my bed watching Netflix. Sometimes it is necessary. *Shout out to Wendy for making me homemade chicken noodle soup. I ate it all by myself.

So right now you are probably thinking I have gone off topic. I haven't this is where the french braiding comes in.

I don't know about you, but when I am sick my hair is the last thing I want to deal with. I want it out of my face, off of my neck, and not hurting my head. So the other day I put 2 french braids in my hair. Nothing fancy. One on the right, one on the left side of my head. There is no picture because it was not pretty. By the time I had finished and was finally able to put my arms down again (I don't know why hair is so exhausting on the arms) I noticed that there was a very small section in the back of my hair that didn't make it in the braid. I was frustrated, but didn't care no one was gonna see it. I couldn't see it it was on the back of my head! I just pushed it into my braid, and laid down. But it got me thinking. How much better it would have been if my mom, or even my grandma had braided my hair. I have many memories with me and my grandma playing with each others hair. I also have moments when I think, "What on earth was I thinking?" When I had my mom braid my hair before bed so the next day I could go out IN PUBLIC like this:

Man, I do miss the 90s. Good time, good times. And the answer is yes, my brother and I were both crazy when we were younger. Kevin was the only one who grew out of it.

So there it is the point of the post. Was pretty much I wanted my mom to take care of me whilst I was sick. And come braid my hair. Love you mom! Thanks for all the times you braided my hair.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

When the pictures says 1000 words you are not saying.

So I was talking to my mother the other day about my blog as opposed to my sisters blog. (Check her out at colorofkim.com) She told me that I needed to add more pictures. And yes I am aware that pictures are more intriguing to look at, or at least glance at as you are scrolling down the web page. But I feel as though, at least today I feel, that when you just look at the picture you're not getting the entire story.

For example, if I were to post this picture, you would see a cute picture of me where I actually look put together, and posting it on social media I just hope I get a bunch of thumbs up. (I never did post this pic, if you were wondering.) Because when I thought about it I wasn't trying to reach out for the attention that I was lookin' cute this day. In fact, when I look at this picture I see so much more.
To me this picture says, "Look. Look how hard you have worked to lose 20 pounds. And girl you look good!" But you didn't see that because you didn't know. You didn't know the struggle I have been facing with my weight, and how it always seems to come down to the fact that I am "overweight" which is why I have so many health issues, and is also why you have been unsuccessful having a child. So when I look at this picture I see myself fighting as hard as I can to get everything I want. I see myself as 1 step closer to not wearing yoga pants everywhere because that is all that fits, when I now actually have 3 pairs of jeans that fit comfortably and one pair that is way too large. I see myself healthier and happier, and hopefully closer to growing our family.

This was not the original thought I had while I was originally writing this post. It was going to be totally light hearted and funny. But I guess I just needed to vent, or let everyone know I am kicking life in the butt! My life is crazy blessed, and I am showing that I am grateful for all I have by taking better care of those things I cherish. And one of those things is me!

I hope you are grateful for yourself too, because I know I am grateful for you!
